blog -起承転結-

blog -起承転結-


「善行」に感謝のメールが届きました / We get a thanks mail of our students good deed

Our school motto is “Sincerity, respect and courtesy”. The other day we received a message from a member of the public that made me extremely happy. The message informed us that two students from Himeji International school helped a member of the public at the station, who suddenly become ill. The students bought them a bottle of water and talked to them, ensuring that this person was OK. The member of the public who the students helped then wrote to our school, letting us know what had happened, and to express their thanks to the two students. I was so impressed with the student’s kindness, who had stopped to help a complete stranger, despite being in a rush to get to school. It was so refreshing to receive an email like this, that I immediately informed the rest of the student body.

副校長の長谷川です。本校の校訓は「誠実 敬愛 礼節」です。そして、建学の精神は「地域社会の要求に応じ、新しい国家社会の建設と、望ましい家庭生活を創造しうる有能な女子を育成する」であり、生徒にはこれらを生活化・社会化、要するに具現化することこそ本物であると教え、日々その行動力に期待をしています。




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